James Murrah Family – 1850 US Federal Census

I located James, Paron and their children in the 1850 census in Yalobusha County, Mississippi.

Extraction of Information from this census record:

1850 US Census; Mississippi; Yallabusha; North of Yalobusha River; p422 (Stamped); Lines 1-9; 18 Oct 1850.

James Murrah Family 1850 US Census1. James Murry, 50 years old, male, planter, $2000 real estate owned, born in Virginia.
2. Paron Murry, 39 years old, female, born in South Carolina.
3. James Murry, 17 years old, male, born in Alabama, attended school within the year.
4. Melvina Murry, 15 years old, female, born in Mississippi, attended school within the year.
5. Reuben Murry, 13 years old, male, born in Mississippi, attended school within the year.
6. Daniel Murry, 11 years old, male, born in Mississippi, attended school within the year.
7.Dorthula Murry, 9 years old, female, born in Mississippi, attended school within the year.
8. Richard Murry, 4 years old, male, born in Mississippi.
9. Rebecca Murry, 1 year old, female, born in Mississippi.

Other surnames listed on this same page:

  • Tatum
  • Doherty
  • Brown
  • Gardner
  • Wilkes
  • Hollady

As a side note, William Murry (Murrah) is listed as living in the house next door with Jno & Dumetta Tatum. I have no clue who these people are, but they were born in Alabama and are about 7 years older than William. Not sure if they are connected or not, but will keep an eye out for these people.

Next Step: Put together a timeline based on this census as a starting timeline to be added to as we find more documents.